The Music of Hanna Doreen Brown



ABOUT Darling

Hanna Doreen Brown says hello to us all over again, but this time, she’s with her new full band project, Darling. Their new EP, “Hello Darling,” brings you even closer to the musician that is Hanna Doreen and offers you a direct invitation right through the front door to their sentiments on alternative relationships, straightforward grief, and cheeky social commentary. Hanna Doreen song-writes with depth and connection nestled in its own historical context of classic country, Motown, and old school jazz music, so that the warm and familiar nature of Darling’s hooks sink in softly only to hit you with an edge after, when you find yourself asking what that song was really about. “Hello Darling” marks the first time Hanna Doreen reaches out for collaboration, a beautiful symbol of erasing self-imposed roadblocks in order to ask for what she wants. Performing, solo or with full band, is the act of asking, an invitation to enter a new space to expand, and maybe sit down for dinner. Let “Hello Darling” be the gentle invitation you need to erase your self-imposed roadblocks and soften those hard edges enough to ask for others to join you. 

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Come Out




New Singles out now!


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info or to set up an



Classic Country

Cover Week

May 2019


Contact Hanna:
